royal bank of canada

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Two scientists in lab coats look at a computer screen displaying a colorful image from a molecular microscope.
A group of young, diverse scientists work in a laboratory.
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climate canada banking finance

Ottawa says it's willing to hold big banks accountable for their climate pledges

High-ranking Liberals responsible for the government's climate file say financial institutions will be held to their net-zero commitments — with regulations, if necessary.

royal bank of canada judy wilson greenwashing justice

Why environmentalists went after Canada's biggest bank for alleged greenwashing

Standing in the rain in downtown Montreal, Kukpi7 (Chief) Judy Wilson lifts her fist in defiance outside a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. She's one of six applicants who filed a complaint to Canada's Competition Bureau, accusing RBC of greenwashing.
Climate resolution forces RBC to reckon with greenwashing

Climate resolution forces RBC to reckon with greenwashing

Investors for Paris Compliance is forcing RBC to stare down a resolution that would stop it from greenwashing billions of dollars that the bank bills as sustainable.