Credit: Bonnie Kittle/Unsplash
Making sustainable choices benefits both the planet and your pocketbook
Eco-conscious living proves financially savvy as sustainable habits yield substantial yearly savings for individuals and families alike.
In short:
- Implementing eleven simple sustainable actions can lead to significant savings, around $9,000 per year.
- Choices include buying secondhand, cooking plant-based meals twice a week, and growing fresh herbs and greens.
- Additional savings are made by creating homemade sparkling water, turning down the heat, and replacing disposables with reusables.
Why this matters:
By adopting more environmentally friendly habits, individuals not only contribute to the planet’s well-being but also embrace a lifestyle that can improve their own health and financial situation.
Are we just going to keep making plastics and other endocrine-disrupting products until the environment is irreparably compromised and future generations are sterile?
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Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash
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