sea level rise resilience

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SF earthquake & sea level rise resilience

S.F.’s plans to protect the Embarcadero from earthquakes and sea level rise could transform the Ferry Building

The Port of San Francisco is releasing its first set of proposals to protect the Embarcadero from earthquakes and sea level rise — and one of them could lead to raising the Ferry Building by several feet.

sea level rise resilience

Andrew Gunther, Jeremy Lowe: No, damming the Golden Gate won't save the Bay Area from rising seas

The Bay Area can be a coastal city that demonstrates how to adapt and thrive amid climate change. Or we can hold ourselves captive in a deteriorating 20th century landscape behind a dam trying to hold back the ocean.

A rising sea doesn’t lift all boats

A rising sea doesn’t lift all boats

Measures to avoid sea level rise that rely entirely on voluntary action threaten to exacerbate inequality.