space exploration

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Oil well in silhouette with blue sky behind it.
A black-and-white photo of the Los Angeles skyline shrouded in pollution as viewed from nearby mountains.
Pollution emissions billow from smokestacks along a body of water.
kidney stones in children
spaceflight rocket biofuels energy
Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

How this company is making spaceflight greener with biofuels

Billions of dollars of investment capital are poured into spaceflight creating greater demand for rockets and in turn an increase in pollution. bluShift Aerospace is looking to be part of the solution by manufacturing bio-derived fuel-based rockets.
nasa venus climate science

NASA's sudden interest in Venus is all about climate change

Venus provides another opportunity to understand what causes climate to change besides studying the process on Earth.
nasa joe biden climate solutions

Mark Whittington: How space exploration will help to address climate change

Joe Biden, like many people on the left, believes that climate change is the existential crisis of our age. NASA will be drafted to do its part by putting up more Earth observation satellites.

How science will help us find our way to the future

How science will help us find our way to the future

The most ambitious scientific mission may be to inspire humanity to act, says the author, a co-creator of Cosmos.
Americans think climate change should be NASA's top priority, not sending astronauts to Mars

Americans think climate change should be NASA's top priority, not sending astronauts to Mars

Almost two-thirds of respondents thought climate and asteroid monitoring should be top priorities for the agency.