species migration

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ecosystem health & bioacoustics
Credit: jomme/Flickr

Puerto Rico’s frogs reveal the island’s environmental health

Puerto Rico’s frogs, especially the coquis, are providing vital insights into the health of the island’s ecosystems as scientists use bioacoustics to monitor environmental changes.

Benji Jones reports for Vox.

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tree species assisted migration
Credit: M.E. Sanseverino/Flickr

As tree species face decline, ‘assisted migration’ gains popularity in Pacific Northwest

As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate changes, the U.S. Forest Service and others are turning to a strategy called “assisted migration.”
Chum salmon Arctic spawning

Chum salmon are spawning in the Arctic. It’s an ominous sign

The fish may be a harbinger of dramatic warming in the north—and rapidly transforming ecosystems.
potato seed guardians of Peru

The seed guardians of Peru trying to save the potato

From potatoes to quinoa, many of our favourite foods are at risk from threats like climate change and disease. The "seed guardians" of Peru's Potato Park are hoping to change that.
Climate change brings cloudberry to Svalbard
Photo by Till Daling on Unsplash

Climate change brings cloudberry to Svalbard

After an exceptionally warm summer, ripe cloudberries are for the first time documented at 78° North. 
Pacific blob marine heatwave

Years after the blob, the Pacific still doesn’t look the same

The 2014–2016 marine heatwave transformed the ecosystem of the northeast Pacific. Some of those changes seem here to stay.
earthworms migrate to the Far North

Some squirmy stowaways got to the Arctic. And they like it there

The unexpected presence of earthworms in the Far North could cause rapid changes in some of the planet’s most fragile ecosystems.