states us
Image by Joseph Fulgham from Pixabay
A tangle of rules to protect America’s water is falling short
The Times asked all 50 states how they police the use of valuable groundwater. Their answers reveal why the country is draining and damaging its aquifers so rapidly.
CAL FIRE_Official/Flickr
Biden warns that climate change could upend federal spending programs
A chapter in the new Economic Report of the President focuses on the growing risks to people and businesses from rising temperatures, and the government’s role in adapting to them.
Are butterflies wildlife? Depends where you live in the U.S.
A legal quirk leaves officials in at least a dozen states with little or no authority to protect insects. That’s a growing problem for humans.
Why are energy prices so high? Some experts blame deregulation.
California and the 34 other states that have deregulated all or parts of their electricity system tend to have higher rates than the rest of the country.
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash
Opinion: Here is what is really strangling the energy transition
Antiquated power lines can’t carry the added electricity from new solar and wind projects.
Opinion | A Sneaky Form of Climate Obstruction Hurts Pension Funds - The New York Times
Some state officials are putting their political views before the best interests of the firefighters and teachers they serve.
Climate change is ravaging the Colorado River. There’s a model to avert the worst
Success in the Yakima River Basin in Washington holds lessons for the seven states at war over water in the American West.