super polluters

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Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
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don grant climate pollution

Don Grant: Make a major dent in the climate crisis by targeting the 'super polluters'

New evidence suggests that society could make tremendous progress towards reducing carbon emissions simply by targeting a small set of power plants responsible for the lion's share of electricity-based carbon pollution.

environmental justice racism epa

David Coursen: Enforcing environmental laws is a key to environmental justice

Now that the nation's eye is on racial justice, the Environmental and Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler has discovered that he wants "to solve the environmental justice issues we face today."

`Toxic 100’ air study reveals U.S. super polluters

`Toxic 100’ air study reveals U.S. super polluters

Just 100 industrial facilities are to blame for more than a third of U.S. toxic air emissions. A new report ranks the biggest offenders.