toxic spills

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
Colorado oil train safety

In Denver, oil trains hit a fork in the road to Colorado's transportation future

COAL CREEK, Colo. — As trains heading east from the Moffat Tunnel take one last sharp turn along a ridge near Eldorado Canyon State Park in Boulder County, the scenery changes abruptly. After traveling hundreds of miles east through narrow river gorges and rugged alpine forests, the Union Pacific’s Central Corridor through Colorado emerges at […]
B.C.’s most ‘polluting and risky’ mines

B.C.’s most ‘polluting and risky’ mines revealed

Mining is big business in B.C. and it’s an industry that produces a lot of waste. A new report highlights 11 mines of concern and what’s stopping the province from getting them to clean up their acts.

Industry overrides the environment in Ford’s Ontario

Industry overrides the environment in Ford’s Ontario: auditor general

The auditor general took 489 pages to lay out how Ontario's environment ministry is neglecting its own laws, ignoring polluters and keeping secrets. We read them all.

Enbridge Line 3 pipeline

What it feels like to have the Line 3 pipeline cut through your town

How people respond to fossil fuels sometimes has less to do with politics than a sense of inevitability.
photographer giving back

WATCH: It's not about fame or recognition for this photographer

During the 2015 Gold King Mine spill, Mylo Fowler raised money selling photo prints to deliver drinking water to the Navajo people.

Seed companies seek to stop sale of cattle lot connected to Mead ethanol plant

Seed companies seek to stop sale of cattle lot connected to Mead ethanol plant

“Treatment and disposal (including future liability) of this material should be the responsibility of Mead Cattle,” attorneys for Corteva Agriscience and Syngenta Seeds.
Brazil shipping boom greenhouse driver

Brazil looks set for a shipping boom—leaving some concerned about a lack of oversight

For coastal environments, the country’s pending push to increase how much freight is carried by sea may be one step forward, two steps back.