U.S. vehicle fleet sets new record for fuel efficiency in 2018: EPA
The U.S. vehicle fleet hit a record for fuel efficiency in 2018 averaging 25.1 miles per gallon in real-world driving as it rose 0.2 mpg, the Environmental Protection Agency said.
White House says it is sticking with 2020 biofuel plan, despite farmer objections
The Trump administration plans to stick with its proposed 2020 biofuel blending requirements, the White House said on Wednesday, despite anger among farmers that the plan does too little for corn growers.
As sea engulfs coastline, Indonesians pay high price to shield homes
Indonesian fisherman Miskan says the once-abundant catches he used to enjoy have been dwindling in recent years on this stretch of the Java Sea.
China's ocean waste surges 27% in 2018: ministry
China dumped a total of 200.7 million cubic meters of waste into its coastal waters in 2018, a 27% rise on the previous year and the highest level in at least a decade, the country's environment ministry said on Tuesday.
Inside Tesla's troubled New York solar factory
Tesla Inc's production of solar roof tiles has been delayed by assembly-line problems at its new publicly subsidized factory and difficulties producing a product that satisfies CEO Elon Musk.