The Weekend Reader: Apes, floods and child lead levels

The Weekend Reader: Apes, floods and child lead levels

The news on our environment, health and climate that changed the world for the week of Oct. 30 to Nov. 5.

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The week in Trump

Sam Clovis, the non-scientist named to be USDA's top scientist, found himself mired in the middle of the Papadopolous-a-palooza.

He informed President Trump on Wednesday he would no longer seek the post, as the Washington Post reported, "given the controversy surrounding the fact that he was one of the top officials on the Trump campaign who was aware of efforts by foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos to broker a relationship between the campaign and Russian officials.

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe (Washington Post)

Donald Trump's unqualified USDA chief scientist withdraws, cites 'political climate' (Salon)

The U.S. Global Change Research Program – sort of a domestic IPCC – released its latest assessment of climate research, and the result was unambiguous: Humans are driving climate change.

The real surprise was how forcefully major media outlets contrasted those findings with Trump and his cabinet's stance on the issue.

Associated Press' Seth Borenstein: "It is the latest example of collisions between Trump's environmental policies and the facts presented by his government's experts."

U.S. scientists contract Trump's climate claims (Associated Press)

Related: Emily Atkin, writing in the New Republic, warns that you cannot end the war on coal without starting a war on public health.

The new coal crisis (New Republic)

The week's top commentary

Five op-eds to keep you engaged:

  1. In Grand Staircase-Escalante, coal and fossils lie side by side. What could be lost as monument opponents push for mining. (Rebecca Worby, High Country News)
  2. What do Jellyfish teach us about climate change? A new study shows that the biological effects of two ecosystem changes can be greater than their individual impacts (John Abraham, The Guardian)
  3. Pruitt is turning his back on transparency at the EPA. The agency should be a fishbowl, not a black box — or it will crumble. (William D. Ruckelshaus, Washington Post)
  4. Reject outrageous fee hike for national parks. There are better ways to fund national parks than an exorbitant fee increase proposed by the Trump administration. (Editorial board of the Seattle Times)
  5. As communities rebuild after disaster, we must keep nature in mind. To minimize future harm, protecting nature and the services it provides should be at the top of our post-disaster to-do list. (Anita van Breda, Ensia)
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Top news for Sunday, Nov. 5

Trending on kid's health

Trending news story this week at the journal Environmental Health Perspectives:

What happens next for children with elevated blood lead?

Reporter Charles Schmidt connected with Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center pediatrician and medical director Nicholas Newman to chart the future for the half million children identified in the U.S. with elevated blood lead levels.

"When there's a strong family structure to support our efforts, I find the outcomes are better."

Read the full story.

climate change flooding
Credit: Anna Zivarts

Op-ed: The climate crisis demands a move away from car dependency

Power shutoffs or wildfire evacuations can be deadly for disabled people, especially nondrivers who may not have a way to get to a cooling center or evacuation point.

My nightmares about waves started the night our building flooded.

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Senator Whitehouse & climate change

Senator Whitehouse puts climate change on budget committee’s agenda

For more than a decade, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse gave daily warnings about the mounting threat of climate change. Now he has a powerful new perch.
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Coast Guard inspects Cameron LNG Facility in preparation for first LNG export in 2019. (Credit: Coast Guard News)

Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way

This 2-part series was co-produced by Environmental Health News and the journalism non-profit Economic Hardship Reporting Project. See part 1 here.Este ensayo también está disponible en español
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joe biden
Credit: The White House

Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use plastics

The U.S. government will stop using single-use plastics in all federal operations by 2035, according to a strategy released by the Biden administration on Friday.

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Kamala Harris climate policy
Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Biden steps aside, endorsing Harris as climate advocate

In a historic move, President Joe Biden withdraws from the presidential race, endorsing Kamala Harris, highlighting her strong climate action record.

Zoya Teirstein reports for Grist.

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Many congressional Republicans still deny climate science

An analysis reveals that 123 Republican lawmakers in Congress deny human-caused climate change despite declining numbers from previous years.

Rachel Frazin reports for The Hill.

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Trump anti-climate energy policies
Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Trump’s plans unsettle federal workers

Federal employees fear for their jobs as Trump’s campaign promises to fire civil servants and demolish the “deep state.”

Robin Bravender and Kevin Bogardus report for E&E News.

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Alberta's energy 'war room' collapses amid new federal ad rules

Alberta's Canadian Energy Centre, created to counter green energy narratives, has shut down due to impending federal regulations on oil industry advertising.

Mitch Anderson reports for DeSmog.

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From our Newsroom
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“It wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of plastic pollution out there.”

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30 environmental advocacy groups ask PA governor to veto carbon capture bill

“Putting resources toward carbon capture and storage instead of renewable energy is wasting time we don’t have.”

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Farmers of color who are leading the charge for regenerative farming, as they have done for generations, need our support now more than ever.

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WATCH: Enduring the “endless” expansion of the nation’s petrochemical corridor

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