
Top Tweets
Judges' interpretations of the law significantly impact climate policy
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Houston tackles cleanup after Gulf Coast storm damages city
Earth stays above 1.5°C warming for a year
colorado river water drought climate
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Historic Colorado River deal not enough to stave off long-term crisis, experts say

A hard-fought agreement between California, Arizona and Nevada to slash the states’ use of the shrinking Colorado River is only a temporary salve to a long-term water crisis that continues to threaten the foundations of life in the American west, experts have warned.

g-7 climate initiative
Photo by Ryo Yoshitake on Unsplash

Japan drags its feet over G-7 climate change initiatives

SAPPORO--While chair Japan touted an agreement to phase out fossil fuels, a Group of Seven ministers’ meeting here made little progress on climate change initiatives due partly to the nation’s reluctance. 
climate cop27 energy

UN climate boss settles for no cuts on emissions

Given an energy crisis in Europe and progress made in helping climate victims, the new climate chief for the United Nations said he'll settle for a lack of new emissions-cutting action coming out of the now-concluded climate talks in Egypt.

cop27 agreement climate politics

COP27 negotiators still far apart on strong climate deal

Countries were far from agreeing the contours of a climate deal at the COP27 summit in Egypt on Wednesday, with the host country urging negotiators to resolve their differences ahead of a weekend deadline.
climate toxics emissions cop27

Emissions on track to reach all-time high even as leaders meet at COP27

World leaders have come and gone. Now lower level ministers at COP27 in Egypt must wrestle with the thorniest issues dividing rich and poor nations on the climate crisis in order to craft an agreement.

cop27 agenda climate politics

Cop27: When is it and what is on the agenda in Egypt?

This year’s UN climate change conference may be the most challenging yet. Here are the dates and details you need to know.
mary robinson climate opinion

Mary Robinson: This year must be the turning point for climate change

It has been 30 years since world leaders gathered in Rio de Janeiro and agreed on a set of measures to start the global mobilisation against human-caused climate change and to meet the imperative of a more sustainable development model.