amazon fires
In the face of losses, a new vision for Brazil’s Amazon is taking shape
The development model for the Brazilian Amazon has most often meant clearing the rainforest to build something from scratch, whether timber operations, mines, cattle pastures or soybean fields. But what if Brazil chose a different path?
Brazil's Bolsonaro deploys military to Amazon, fails to curb fires, deforestation
As Amazon deforestation hits 12 year high, France rejects Brazilian soy
As 2020 Amazon fire season winds down, Brazil carbon emissions rise
A ruinous fire season, record deforestation and rising carbon emissions leave scientists worried that Bolsonaro's Brazil will blow past its Paris Climate targets, with devastating results for the Amazon and the world.
Fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest jump in October
Fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest surged in October and the number of blazes is up 25% in the first 10 months of 2020, compared to a year ago, data from government space research agency Inpe shows.
Bruno Carvalho, Carlos Nobre: Amazon 4.0 will be how to reinvent the rainforest
Brazil's Amazon rainforest suffers worst fires in a decade
Fires in Brazil's Amazon increased 13% in the first nine months of the year compared with a year ago, as the rainforest region experiences its worst rash of blazes in a decade, data from space research agency Inpe has shown.