animal species

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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
utah forest management cronyism
Republicans distrust in science
Ohio town bought and bulldozed by coal plant remains a desolate ghost town
Why publish a dire federal climate report on Black Friday?

Why publish a dire federal climate report on Black Friday?

In a massive new report, federal scientists contradict President Trump and assert that climate change is an intensifying danger to the United States. Too bad it came out on a holiday.
Trump denies endangered status to Florida lizard threatened by sea-level rise

Trump denies endangered status to Florida lizard threatened by sea-level rise

Recently, the Trump administration denied environmental protection to the Florida Keys mole skink, whose habitat is projected to disappear in the next 40 years due to sea-level rise. Now the Center for Biological Diversity is threatening a lawsuit to fight the administration’s blatant disregard for climate science and the species affected by it.