arctic sea ice

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arctic sea ice climate
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

A summer without Arctic sea ice could come a decade sooner than expected

In a new study, scientists found that the climate milestone could come about a decade sooner than anticipated, even if planet-warming emissions are gradually reduced.
arctic sea ice
Photo by Chris Stenger on Unsplash

Arctic ice is getting thinner by the day—and sea life is suffering

A new study says the structural change has been abrupt, making life harder for everything from tiny algae to polar bears.

Greenland climate tipping points

Climate change is pushing Greenland over the edge

New data from Greenland shows that modern warming is outpacing even historically warm eras like the Medieval Warm Period.
Arctic sea ice

A cool summer sees Arctic sea ice reach its 12th-lowest minimum extent on record

Sea ice is more extensive than in recent low years, but still far lower than historically — even as other markers, such as thickness and age show declines.

Editorial: Thinning Arctic ice is yet another ominous climate signal

Editorial: Thinning Arctic ice is yet another ominous climate signal

Another study suggests that global warming’s consequences are worse than anticipated.
regime shift in the melting Arctic

As the Arctic melts, scientists say a regime shift is taking place

The Arctic is changing faster than any environment on Earth. The old, established order is being swept away, leaving scientists to ask: What's coming in its place?
The polar vortex is coming—and raising the odds for intense winter weather

The polar vortex is coming—and raising the odds for intense winter weather

In the stratosphere over Siberia, temperatures recently jumped nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit, shoving the polar vortex off its North Pole perch.