arctic tundra

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
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arctic tundra climate

Siberia’s tundra could soon disappear, scientists warn

Across nearly 2,500 miles of unbroken wilderness, the Arctic tundra is a unique and unexpectedly abundant ecosystem. But that could change if human-caused global warming goes unchecked, researchers warn.

climate impacts biodiversity beavers
Photo by Igor Kyryliuk on Unsplash

Beavers march north into Arctic: 'Tundra be dammed'

Beavers are marching north into the Arctic tundra, colonizing parts of Alaska and Canada and significantly altering the landscape.

Arctic tundra longer growing seasons

Arctic tundra will see an earlier green-up and longer growing seasons, study says

As the Arctic warms, plants will sprout and flower earlier and hold their leaves longer, expanding the growing season.

How melting permafrost is beginning to transform the Arctic

How melting permafrost is beginning to transform the Arctic

This melting, which could release vast amounts of greenhouse gases, is already changing the Arctic landscape by causing landslides, draining lakes, and altering vegetation.

Lakes are bubbling and hissing with a dangerous greenhouse gas, methane, as the Arctic thaws

Lakes are bubbling and hissing with a dangerous greenhouse gas, methane, as the Arctic thaws

Maybe it's just an anomaly - or maybe it's something worse.

Here’s why scientists have been fertilizing the Arctic

Here’s why scientists have been fertilizing the Arctic

For more than 30 years, scientists have been fertilizing small parcels of Arctic tundra. Here’s what happens when you push an ecosystem to the brink.