biodiversity threats

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extreme heat biodiversity threats
Credit: ucumari photography/Flickr

Wildlife struggles to survive amid rising global temperatures

As global heatwaves intensify, animals are increasingly unable to cope, leading to widespread deaths and altered behaviors.

Beatrice Christofaro reports for DW.

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Palm oil pollution
Credit: Photo by Ryan Woo/CIFOR-ICRAF/Flickr

Palm oil plantations increase flood risks and water contamination in Papua

The expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesian Papua has led to increased flooding and water contamination, affecting Indigenous communities downstream.

Hans Nicholas Jong reports for Mongabay.

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Amazon bird population decline
Credit: Ross Tsai/Flickr

Bird populations in the Amazon are declining without clear cause

Bird populations in the Amazon's Yasuní Biosphere Reserve have mysteriously dropped by half over 23 years, with climate change being a potential culprit.

Bernardo Araujo reports for Mongabay.

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Oil barge accident & spill
Credit: Patrick Feller/Flickr

Barge collision collapses Galveston bridge, triggers oil spill

A barge collision caused a partial collapse of a Galveston bridge, leading to an oil spill and the closure of the only road to Pelican Island.

Juan Lozano and Lekan Oyekanmi report for The Associated Press.

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astronomers doing climate science
Credit: Ars Electronica/Flickr

Astronomers join the battle against climate change

Astronomers are increasingly applying their skills to address climate issues, demonstrating the versatility of their scientific expertise.

Katrina Miller and Delger Erdenesanaa report for The New York Times.

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role of parasites in ecosystems
Credit: Klaus Stiefel/Flickr

Reevaluating the role of parasites in ecosystems

Research shows that parasites can indicate overall ecosystem health and biodiversity.

Jesse Nichols reports for Grist.

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genetic response climate adaptations
Credit: Wendy Miller/Flickr

New studies reveal genetic adaptations in California birds

Two studies reveal how genetic changes in bird populations in California respond to environmental threats, highlighting the potential for adaptation and the risks of genetic dilution.

Rebecca Heisman reports for The Revelator.

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