Newsletter Here's how farmers are helping with climate change - they're putting carbon back in the soil The Bay Area has been a forerunner in regenerative farming, which takes carbon from the...
Impacts The power of earthworm poop and how it could influence climate change Scientists are trying to figure out how earthworms are influencing climate change. Some species are speeding up how much carbon gets dumped into the atmosphere, and others are helping lock carbon in the soil.
Impacts Sea ice modifies biological processes A recent study investigates the relationship between sea ice variability and phytoplankton growth in climate models. Predicted change to the Southern Ocean Silicate Front The Southern Ocean Silicate Front (SF) is an important boundary separating waters that are silicate-rich and waters that are silicate-poor.
Op-ed: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” — disabling environments in Cancer Alley and the Ohio River Valley