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duke university

Duke University's decision to close major plant collection sparks outrage

Duke University has announced the closure of its herbarium, a significant blow to biodiversity research.

Carl Zimmer reports for The New York Times.

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A Biography of E.O. Wilson, the scientist who foresaw our troubles

A Biography of E.O. Wilson, the scientist who foresaw our troubles

In Richard Rhodes’s “Scientist,” a portrait emerges of Wilson’s ability to focus on the smallest details in nature and recognize the ways in which they connect to larger ecosystems.
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Saved by a bucket, but can the Owens pupfish survive?

The Owens pupfish, a small blue fish native to the springs in the California desert, was spared from extinction on an August afternoon in 1969 by Phil Pister and his two buckets.

Surviving weed-out classes in science may be a state of mind

Surviving weed-out classes in science may be a state of mind

Social ties to classmates and how students feel could be more important than innate ability when it comes to enduring early STEM courses.
Thomas Friedman: With the coronavirus, it's again Trump vs. Mother Nature

Thomas Friedman: With the coronavirus, it's again Trump vs. Mother Nature

The president’s failure to understand his limits is very costly.
Bricks alive! Scientists create living concrete

Bricks alive! Scientists create living concrete

‘A Frankenstein material’ teeming with — and ultimately made by — photosynthetic microbes. And it can reproduce.
Growing meat in a lab that doesn't look like mush

Growing meat in a lab that doesn't look like mush

In their quest to make a lab-grown steak, researchers devised a form of scaffolding made with gelatin.