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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
longleaf pine burning

Longleaf pine restoration—a major climate effort in the South—curbs its ambitions to meet harsh realities

A public-private partnership confronts the challenges of nature-based solutions, including urban growth, logging pressures and a warming planet

charcoal burning uganda climate
Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash

Uganda charcoal ban disrupts a lucrative but destructive business

The burning of charcoal, an age-old practice in many African societies, is now restricted business across northern Uganda amid a wave of resentment by locals who have warned of the threat of climate change stemming from the uncontrolled felling of trees by outsiders.

toxic coal ash energy climate

EPA proposes to expand its regulations on dumps of toxic waste from burning coal

The Biden administration is taking steps to address a regulatory loophole that public interest groups said allowed at least a half-billion tons of toxic coal ash to go unregulated.

moorland burning peatlands

Investigation into protected peat burning ‘leads to just one formal warning’

Moorland association says figures show managers abiding by rules stopping burning on deep peat, while Greenpeace calls for a more comprehensive ban.

pnw wildfires smoke toxics

Wildfires in Pacific Northwest push air pollution across North America, study finds

According to their findings, wildfires in the Pacific Northwest are likely to cause surges in pollution levels across all of North America. As a result, this can increase the risk for several pollution-related health complications.

Debunking 3 myths about air pollution

Debunking 3 myths about air pollution

Air pollution, even in seemingly small amounts, can be harmful to human health and the environment. However, there's still a lot that many people misunderstand about what's really in our air.
arctic tundra wildfires

Arctic wildfires are lasting longer and burning more intensely

The Arctic is known for cold and snowy winters. But in summer, wildfires can rage across the tundra.