car restrictions

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Toxic coal ash complicates Chapel Hill redevelopment plans
The swift, disruptive rise of 'slow streets'

The swift, disruptive rise of 'slow streets'

In many cities, the swift rollout of car-restricted streets at the start of the pandemic faced fierce community resistance. Now planners are changing their playbook. 
How Oakland made pedestrian-friendly slow streets

How Oakland made pedestrian-friendly slow streets

The California city isn’t the first to experiment with car restrictions in the coronavirus pandemic, but its plan to discourage drivers is the most extensive.
In Paris, a very progressive agenda is going mainstream

In Paris, a very progressive agenda is going mainstream

Among Mayor Anne Hidalgo's next ambitious ideas: Make the city center “100 percent bicycle” and spend billions converting office space into housing.
Cities worldwide are reimagining their relationship with cars

Cities worldwide are reimagining their relationship with cars

Cars changed the way we move. They also led to toxic levels of air pollution in many cities. Now, under pressure from their citizens, city officials are experimenting with new ways to reimagine the role of cars.