chile drought

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chile drought climate impacts
Photo by Paula Porto on Unsplash

More than a decade of megadrought brought a summer of megafires to Chile

As relentless drought dries out subsistence farmers’ wells, vast eucalyptus and pine plantations, remnants of the Pinochet dictatorship, are torching their communities.

chile water drought climate

What Utah can learn from Chile about dealing with climate change and extreme weather

As the western United States faces its driest and hottest period in at least 100 years, Utah and surrounding states could learn from a country 6,000 miles south that is in an advanced stage of grappling with water scarcity and other climate disasters.
chile drought climate

‘Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point

From the Atacama Desert to Patagonia, a 13-year megadrought is straining Chile’s freshwater resources to breaking point.

climate drought water chile
Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

Chile's record-breaking drought makes climate change 'very easy' to see

A punishing, decade-long drought in Chile has gone from bad to worse due to a scorching July, a month which typically brings midwinter weather showering the capital Santiago in rain and snow.