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Brooke Lappe allergies climate

Climate change is making allergy season more miserable; here’s how to avoid pollen

Allergy sufferers should start taking medications or reducing their exposure to pollen earlier in the year, said Brooke Lappe, a doctoral student at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. Lappe specializes in pollen, climate change and health.

climate impacts ohio economics

Climate change will cost Ohio municipalities billions of dollars a year by 2050, Ohio Environmental Center reports

A report by the Ohio Environmental Council estimates that climate change will cost cities and town in Ohio an additional $1.8 billion to $5.9 billion by mid-century.
columbus climate plan politics

Extreme heat leads to calls for the Ohio legislature to develop climate change policies

Oppressive heat, which resulted in the loss of power to hundreds of thousands of Ohioans, has conservationists calling on the Ohio General Assembly to develop climate change policies, saying that more hot days are coming.

pollution. wastewater coal energy power

EPA weakens Obama-era wastewater discharge regulations for coal-fired power plants

A statement from EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said "newer, more affordable pollution control technologies and flexibility on the regulation’s phase-in will reduce pollution and save jobs at the same time.”
Dennis Kucinich calls for end to oil and gas drilling in Ohio

Dennis Kucinich calls for end to oil and gas drilling in Ohio

Speaking in Columbus, the liberal former congressman and presidential candidate said that if elected as Ohio's governor, he would use eminent domain to acquire and close all existing traditional and fracking-style oil and gas wells in the state.