climate adaptation

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives
climate-resistant coffee
Credit: Bex Walton/Flickr

A global push to develop climate-resistant coffee

An international partnership is driving innovative coffee breeding to protect coffee farmers from the impacts of climate change.

Jonathan W. Rosen reports for Grist and Roast Magazine.

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climate-adaptive rooftops
Credit: Christopher Porter/Flickr

A new approach to rainwater management: Amsterdam's blue-green roofs

Amsterdam is leading a global trend in smart, climate-adaptive rooftops that capture rainwater to reduce flooding and provide water for residents.

Matt Simon reports for Wired.

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genetic response climate adaptations
Credit: Wendy Miller/Flickr

New studies reveal genetic adaptations in California birds

Two studies reveal how genetic changes in bird populations in California respond to environmental threats, highlighting the potential for adaptation and the risks of genetic dilution.

Rebecca Heisman reports for The Revelator.

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Rising Atlantic sea levels
Credit: Virginia Sea Grant/Flickr

Rising sea levels pose new challenges for southern US coasts

A rapid increase in sea levels across the southern U.S. is compelling coastal communities to adapt to unprecedented environmental changes.

Chris Mooney, Brady Dennis, Kevin Crowe, and John Muyskens report for The Washington Post.

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diminishing natural soundscapes biodiversity loss
Credit: VectorMine/BigStock Photo ID: 444259331

Silence of the natural world signals a biodiversity crisis

Studies reveal that natural soundscapes are diminishing due to loss of species and ecosystem degradation.

Phoebe Weston reports for The Guardian.

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climate change resilience
Credit: Backbone Campaign/Flickr

Finding resilience in history to combat climate change

A look into how Native North Americans adapted their societies during the Little Ice Age offers insights for modern climate change resilience.

Kathleen DuVal reports for The Atlantic.

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climate resilience infrastructure funds
Credit: VTrans/Flickr

Biden's latest climate initiative aims to bolster US infrastructure

The Biden administration has earmarked $830 million for infrastructure projects across the nation to combat the effects of climate change.

Alexa St. John reports for the Associated Press.

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