climate sensitivity

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global warming climate

Study finds we’re already committed to more global warming - sort of

Someday, humans will get it together and dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But - not to fact check your daydreams too strictly here - how exactly will global temperatures respond to that day?

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Her message about climate change: It's not too late

Her message about climate change: It's not too late

Kate Marvel is committed to spreading the word about climate science. Her TED Talk on the subject drew more than a million viewers.
Climate change may thin high-altitude clouds and trigger more warming

Climate change may thin high-altitude clouds and trigger more warming

The climate could warm more than models suggest, because as temperatures rise high-altitude clouds will reflect less sunlight back into space.

How can India gauge the vulnerability of its agricultural crops to climate change?

How can India gauge the vulnerability of its agricultural crops to climate change?

The sensitivity of agricultural productivity to climate depends strongly on crop selection.