climate smart farming

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Opinion: Feds need to keep watchful eye on climate-smart grants
Photo by James Baltz on Unsplash

Opinion: Feds need to keep watchful eye on climate-smart grants

USDA recently announced $2.8 billion to get farmers to adopt climate-smart practices.
Is agroecology being co-opted by Big Ag?

Is agroecology being co-opted by Big Ag?

As climate-smart farming initiatives scale up, experts decry ‘junk agroecology’—global initiatives they say are cherry-picking sustainable practices, while denying political realities.
climate-smart farming eases migration

Climate-smart farming eases migration pressure in western Nepal

Farmers are getting help to irrigate their land and protect crops from pests and extreme weather, enabling them to earn more and reducing the need to seek work in India.

Growing ‘climate smart farming’ movement hopes to combat climate change

Growing ‘climate smart farming’ movement hopes to combat climate change

As severe weather and climate change impact farmers nationwide, there’s a new and growing movement of farmers fighting back through “climate smart farming.”