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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
climate risk investment

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission to create a climate risk unit

A growing number of federal regulators are pushing corporate America to reckon with the cost of climate change, arguing that global warming poses significant peril not only to the environment but to the U.S. economy.

Climate Czar tells OPEC to pivot from oil or prepare to suffer

Climate Czar tells OPEC to pivot from oil or prepare to suffer

The world’s biggest crude exporters need to support the transition away from oil or prepare for growing climate-induced destabilization that could wreck their markets, the United Nation’s top environment official said.
Trump, oil of less concern than climate change for top companies

Trump, oil of less concern than climate change for top companies

The world’s biggest companies are increasingly worried about climate change.
Half of all US coal plants would lose money without regulation

Half of all US coal plants would lose money without regulation

It's long been clear that U.S. coal plants are struggling. A new study shows how much.

Surging power bills spark rush for household solar in Australia

Surging power bills spark rush for household solar in Australia

Rooftop solar will account for as much as 24 percent of Australia’s electricity by 2040.
2017 was a disappointing year for drillers in Norway's Arctic waters

2017 was a disappointing year for drillers in Norway's Arctic waters

After a disappointing year for drillers, Norwegian authorities are reviewing their hopes for the Nordic country’s hottest exploration area.