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joe biden
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
3d printer

In Central Texas, homes are being built with 3D printing technology

Using robotic 3D printers that can build the concrete walls of a house, a pair of Texas startups say the technology could help alleviate two crises: the housing shortage and climate change.
recycled coffee grounds sustainable cement

Australian scientists add recycled coffee grounds to cement

Scientists are trying to make concrete stronger and more sustainable by adding coffee grounds to the mix. Initial results are promising, but questions about scale remain.
new rules for Texas concrete plants

Texas agency proposes new rules for concrete plants

The TCEQ has proposed changes to concrete batch plant permits including lowering production limits, reducing dust coming from plants and setting minimum distance requirements from nearby communities.
sponges wetlands flooding nature parks
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Cities are becoming more like sponges

Water management that prizes lakes and greenery over concrete makes for less flood-prone cities — and prettier ones, too.
storing carbon in concrete

We may be storing carbon in concrete someday

Two tech companies just demonstrated that it’s possible to store CO2 in concrete.
concrete co2 climate solutions

Concrete made from captured CO2 could cut need for costly underground storage

Carbon dioxide sequestered from the atmosphere via direct air capture (DAC) has been permanently stored in concrete for the first time.

Comparing green funeral options
Tim Ellis/Flickr

Comparing green funeral options, from composting to natural burial to water cremation

If you're planning a green funeral, you have a lot of choice. The Post's climate coach explains how much each one costs, both for you and the planet.