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pennsylvania fracking
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Monday breaks record for hottest day ever recorded
Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives
House Agriculture Committee faces challenges in passing new farm bill

House Agriculture Committee faces challenges in passing new farm bill

A new farm bill faces partisan hurdles as the House Agriculture Committee begins markup this week.

Marc Heller reports for E&E News.

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Struggle for African penguin survival intensifies

Struggle for African penguin survival intensifies

African penguins face extinction by 2035 unless immediate conservation action is taken, warns a leading seabird conservationist.

Jenny Hill reports for the BBC.

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Wildlife refuges face budget cuts, risking operations and conservation efforts

Wildlife refuges face budget cuts, risking operations and conservation efforts

In a recent funding resolution, wildlife refuges across the nation are confronting a significant $14 million budget cut, endangering visitor centers, wildlife management, and the already limited number of wildlife officers.

Trista Talton reports for Coastal Review.

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patagonia store sign
Big Stock Photo

Patagonia spends $71 million on wildlife conservation and politics

$71 million of the clothing company’s earnings have been used since September 2022 to fund wildlife restoration, dam removal and Democratic groups.

wall street sign

GOP AGs denounce trading ‘natural asset companies’ on stock exchange

Republican state attorneys general have accused the Biden administration of being part of an "interlocking scheme" to constrain use of public lands.

In Georgia, a call for better protection of coastal marshes

In Georgia, coastal advocates are saying it's time update a 50-year-old law on protecting the half-million acres of salt marshes.
brown bear

A year to remember…for wildlife

In 2023 wild animals stretched boundaries, set records, and inspired conservation across the world.