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U.N. chief's test: Shaming without naming the world's climate delinquents

António Guterres has spoken sharply of “planet wreckers” ahead of this week’s United Nations climate summit, but politics makes it tricky to get specific.
vanuatu climate impacts
Photo by britt gaiser on Unsplash

Vanuatu strikes a blow for climate justice

Vanuatu, population 300,000, rallied countries to ask the world’s highest court to weigh in on a high-stakes question: Can countries be sued under international law for failing to slow down climate change?

climate questions nyt

Have climate questions? Get answers here

What’s causing global warming? How can we fix it? This interactive F.A.Q. will tackle your climate questions big and small.
Congress offers $1 billion for climate aid, falling short of Biden's pledge

Congress offers $1 billion for climate aid, falling short of Biden's pledge

Activists called the funding to help developing countries cope with the impacts of climate change “hugely disappointing.”
A powerful climate leader from a small island nation

A powerful climate leader from a small island nation

Mia Mottley, the prime minister of Barbados, has been drawing attention to the environmental and financial threats faced by small and vulnerable countries like hers.
John Kerry plans to meet with Biden to discuss his future as Climate Envoy

John Kerry plans to meet with Biden to discuss his future as Climate Envoy

In an interview, Mr. Kerry said he would meet with the president next week to talk about “the road ahead.”
Tiny Vanuatu uses its 'unimportance' to launch big climate ideas
Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash

Tiny Vanuatu uses its 'unimportance' to launch big climate ideas

It wants a top international court to weigh in on whether nations are legally bound to protect against climate risks.