Dallas’ yellow school buses go green to cut emissions
Dallas students will soon be shuttled in new electric school buses that will reduce the district’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Texas earns an ‘F’ in how it teaches students about climate change, groups say
Texas is failing to properly educate students on the realities of climate change and global warming, according to a new report by the National Center for Science Education and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund.
Rising sea levels could send an influx of people moving to Dallas by 2100, study says
Researchers used artificial intelligence to predict where people would move based on migration patterns following hurricanes Rita and Katrina.
Rex Tillerson to oil industry: Not sure humans can do anything to battle climate change
Rex Tillerson, the former Secretary of State under President Donald Trump and ex-chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corp., told an industry conference in Houston that he questions whether there is anything humans can do to combat climate change.
Could climate change lead to more extreme hailstorms in Dallas-Fort Worth?
From tornadoes to blizzards, when extreme weather happens it's easy to wonder if climate change is to blame.
Flood insurance program may lapse next week, despite House vote for temporary extension
The U.S. House easily approved an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program a week before it would lapse. But quick action in the Senate is unlikely, leaving uncertainty through the end of the Atlantic hurricane season.