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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
darwin's frog chilean forest
Image by Ann Owen from Pixabay

In a Chilean forest reserve, the remarkable Darwin’s frog endures

Four emerging filmmakers from Latin America collaborated to film Darwin’s frog and the biologist who studies the endangered species in Chile’s Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve. “Hojarasca: The Hidden Hope” is the Third-Place Winner of the 2023 Yale Environment 360 Film Contest.

rebuilding Australia NT homes on floodplain

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles defends NT government decision to rebuild homes on floodplain in Pigeon Hole

Natasha Fyles has defended the construction of new homes for the remote community of Pigeon Hole in a known flood zone, saying the location was decided after consultation with residents. 
coral climate science

Darwin in a lab: Coral evolution tweaked for global warming

Scientists are trying to speed up coral’s evolutionary clock to breed “super corals” that can better withstand the impacts of global warming.

Darwin’s Arch, a famed rock formation in the Galápagos, collapses

Darwin’s Arch, a famed rock formation in the Galápagos, collapses

Erosion caused the natural archway in the remote Pacific islands to fall into the sea, officials said.
Indian Ocean Dipole linked to global warming in new research by Australian scientists

Indian Ocean Dipole linked to global warming in new research by Australian scientists

After a summer of hell, is the Indian Ocean Dipole the smoking gun connecting drought and climate change?

Australia's heatwave registers new hottest day on record, BOM says

The average maximum temperature across the country on Tuesday was 40.9C, breaking the mark of 40.3C set in January 2013.
The causes of unprecedented bushfires are complex but climate change is part of the puzzle

The causes of unprecedented bushfires are complex but climate change is part of the puzzle

Fires are now exceeding all known firefighting technologies but what can be done to stop them?