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Oil well in silhouette with blue sky behind it.
A black-and-white photo of the Los Angeles skyline shrouded in pollution as viewed from nearby mountains.
Pollution emissions billow from smokestacks along a body of water.
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Climate change denial persists among US lawmakers

Climate change denial persists among US lawmakers

Nearly a quarter of the U.S. Congress, all Republicans, deny climate change, despite growing public concern over global warming.

Oliver Milman and Dharna Noor report for The Guardian.

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little ice age climate impacts
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

What climate change deniers get totally wrong about the Little Ice Age

What does a regional period of mid-millennial cooling have to do with today's climate disasters? Absolutely nothing.

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Mario Canseco: Canadians increasingly tired of climate-change deniers: Poll

Almost three in five Canadians want social media companies to suspend or ban users who reject climate change, survey finds.
climate bullshitters

Damian Carrington: How to spot the difference between a real climate policy and greenwashing guff

So it's goodbye climate deniers, hello – and you'll pardon me for being blunt here – climate bullshitters.

2019 Global Citizen Festival: Leonardo DiCaprio denounces climate change deniers

2019 Global Citizen Festival: Leonardo DiCaprio denounces climate change deniers

Hosted by Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Furness, the annual festival, along with its partners and members of Congress, made commitments worth $1.6 billion.
Oregon GOPers flee state to avoid voting for climate change bill

Oregon GOPers flee state to avoid voting for climate change bill

Republican members of Oregon's state senate skipped town on Thursday to avoid voting on a sweeping climate change bill.

Right-leaning law prof on hiking, biking, converting deniers

Right-leaning law prof on hiking, biking, converting deniers

Jonathan Adler is an outlier among his peers.