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petrochemical houston gulf coast
Montana youth climate lawsuit
World court weighs climate responsibility of wealthy nations
Power plant with steam or emissions rising from four towers
Is nuclear power worth the risk?

Is nuclear power worth the risk?

The Fukushima disaster sparked a worldwide phaseout of nuclear reactors. As climate changes worsens, it may be time to reconsider.
The battle for a paycheck in Kentucky coal country

The battle for a paycheck in Kentucky coal country

A coalition of miners, their families, and labor activists encamped beside a train loaded with a million dollars’ worth of coal, pledging not to move until the miners get the wages they are due.
Shrinking newspapers and the costs of environmental reporting in coal country

Shrinking newspapers and the costs of environmental reporting in coal country

A year ago, the last Kentucky newspaper staffer dedicated to the environmental beat full-time left his job. He hasn’t been replaced.
Ask a scientist: How to deal with a climate-change skeptic

Ask a scientist: How to deal with a climate-change skeptic

An event, co-hosted by the Climate Museum and Columbia University’s Earth Institute, stations scientists with “climate-communication tips” in prominent and iconic public spaces around the city.
A pipeline, a protest, and the battle for Pennsylvania’s political soul

A pipeline, a protest, and the battle for Pennsylvania’s political soul

A project that would pipe combustible fracking by-products through back yards across Pennsylvania has created unexpected opportunities for bipartisanship in a key battleground state.
The battle for solar energy in the country’s sunniest state

The battle for solar energy in the country’s sunniest state

A ballot measure in Arizona that would require half of the state’s electricity to come from renewable sources by 2030 has met fierce resistance from the state’s largest utility.
Whiteville, North Carolina, watches the floodwaters from Florence rise

Whiteville, North Carolina, watches the floodwaters from Florence rise

What happened after more than thirteen inches of rain fell in twenty-four hours.