earth day
The planet as a patient: How healthcare leaders are helping to build a healthier world
It’s Earth Day—and the news isn't good
For Earth Day, here's what the United States could look like in 2050
Climate news can seem dire with little hope for a better world. Talk to climate scientists, engineers and researchers, however, and they see a different future – a positive one that's well within our reach.
Neelu Tummala: Climate change is not a progressive issue. It is a medical problem
Climate change needs to stop being labeled as part of the progressive agenda and placed back on the "every agenda." The time is now to come together and protect everyone's health.
The Clean Water Act at 50: Big successes, more to be done
Sparked by the 1970s environmental movement, the Clean Water Act transformed America’s polluted rivers. The Delaware, once an industrial cesspool, is one of the success stories, but its urban stretches remain a work in progress.
Bethany Cotton: Biden's old-growth forest executive order has giant hole
The Biden administration must issue a moratorium on all mature and old-growth logging nationwide and create strategic forest reserves to mitigate climate change, as advocated by leading scientists.
"Eight years left to turn the ship": Scientists share how climate change could change daily life
Today's situation on Earth is decades in the making. Ecology researcher and professor Dan Blustein says it takes years to start seeing the effects of climate change, and once those effects are seen, they're essentially "burned in."