electric bikes
Do not put your kid on an electric bike
Yes, they’re fun, fast, and convenient. But motorized vehicles are not for children.
Connellsville trades coal for bicycles in bid for economic rebirth
A small city in Fayette County is on track for millions of dollars in new development as tourism pushes aside a coal mining past that left empty storefronts and a declining population in its wake.
Denver's e-bike rebate program has a hidden power
Denver’s wildly successful incentive program isn’t just helping residents buy greener rides — it’s building an army of bike lane advocates.
Sandia Labs/Flickr
David Wallace-Wells: Electric vehicles keep defying almost everyone’s predictions
The revolution is also a case study in how much further we have to go.
Ron Mader/Flickr
Hell on two wheels, until the e-bike’s battery runs out
In 2020, Americans bought more than twice as many electric bikes as electric cars. I test-drove a fleet of them and lived to tell the tale—and make recommendations.
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India’s electric vehicle push is riding on mopeds and rickshaws
The country’s success with two- and three-wheeled vehicles that sell for as little as $1,000 could be a template for other developing countries.
A delivery company turns to electric bikes in Manhattan
Overall, using the e-bikes is more efficient, which helps delivery company Dutch-X reduce costs. And because electric bikes do not emit tailpipe exhaust and carbon pollution, they’re better for the climate, too.