Our communities deserve to breathe clean air and be safe from climate disaster. By implementing strong clean car standards, President Biden can bring that vision closer to reality.
Australia has sent Energy Minister Angus Taylor to the final days of a climate summit in Spain, where senior figures from around the world are likely to look at him in dismay.
The UK and EU say they plan to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, even as both pursue plans to burn massive amounts of carbon-producing wood pellets.
Debate is currently raging as to whether or not REDD-based projects can actually deliver the level of emissions reductions necessary to avert runaway global climate change.
A recent study finds that governments and researchers routinely underestimate the potential for changes to land use and human diets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of global warming.
Demand for energy in China and Indonesia continues to drive the resurgence of the latter's coal industry, setting back efforts in both countries to shift to a greater share of renewable energy.
Climate change: Australia seen as ‘disconnected from reality’ on world stage