energy emissions

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animated image of half of Earth on fire
Wildlife populations drop sharply as habitat loss continues
the feet of a homeless person lying on the ground
tree fallen on a car
philadelphia refinery energy

Two years after a huge refinery fire in Philadelphia, a new day has come for its long-suffering neighbors

The petroleum smell is gone, the benzene emissions have abated and residents in nearby neighborhoods of color feel they're finally being heard.

fossil fuels energy toxics deaths

Air pollution from fossil fuels caused 8.7 million premature deaths in 2018, study finds

Burning fossil fuels creates harmful air pollution that can worsen lung disease, heart disease, and other health conditions. The consequences can be dire.

Texas oil and gas greenhouse pollution could negate progress on emissions, report says

Texas oil and gas greenhouse pollution could negate progress on emissions, report says

While greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. fell about 2 percent last year, some of that progress is being undercut by continued expansion of oil and gas industry.