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joe biden
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
solar energy climate
Photo by Nuno Marques on Unsplash

Untapped solar potential on warehouse roofs

As tensions rise over renewable energy displacing farmland, large rooftops are a growing space on which to install solar panels.
connecticut transportation climate pollution
Photo by Derek Story on Unsplash

Zoning slows efforts to cut transportation pollution

Connecticut won’t achieve its 2030 climate targets if it leans on electric vehicles alone to lower transportation emissions. The state also needs to convince residents to drive less.

coal ash pond
Big Stock Photo

New rules tackle legacy coal ash, but loopholes remain

Environmental groups lauded the proposal but stressed that it still could exempt pollution at close to 100 known sites.
climate justice minneapolis
Image by standuppaddle from Pixabay

Minneapolis climate equity action plan: How is the city approaching climate justice?

The city of Minneapolis’ newly released draft of the Climate Equity Action Plan seeks to address the climate inequities that many of Minneapolis’ BIPOC and lower-income communities face.

heat pump climate energy maine

Insulation needs, limited aid hold Mainers back from heat pumps

As fossil fuel costs remain high, the pressure is on for advocates and service providers to expand access to heat pumps and energy efficient home improvements.
university of richmond divestment fossil fuels
Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

Divestment movement arrives in Virginia

University of Richmond students are trying to persuade administrators to become the first college in the state to divest its endowment from fossil fuels.
climate energy building codes north carolina

Can North Carolina code officials win builders over on energy conservation?

After hours of grueling and sometimes heated negotiations, North Carolina officials are offering edits to their proposal for thicker insulation, more efficient windows, and other improvements in home construction in an effort to win over the state’s developer lobby.