
Top Tweets
Nuclear plants gain new life as AI demand for energy rises
Rural opposition to solar energy influenced by local history and landscape concerns
Norway faces backlash over plans to mine the Arctic seafloor
Tech giants bring economic growth but strain resources in drought-prone Mexican state
polar zero climate impacts
Photo by Derek Oyen on Unsplash

Capsule of 1765 air reveals ancient histories hidden under Antarctic ice

An ampoule of Antarctic air from the year 1765 forms the centrepiece of a new exhibition that reveals the hidden histories contained in polar ice to visitors attending the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow.

Artist creates deepfake birdsong to highlight threat to dawn chorus

Artist creates deepfake birdsong to highlight threat to dawn chorus

The dawn chorus is one of the wonders of the natural world, but a discordant note will be struck when a soundtrack of hundreds of birds is heard in London this month.

Climate change ravages Turner’s majestic glaciers

Climate change ravages Turner’s majestic glaciers

New images by Emma Stibbon of locations used by Turner and Ruskin highlight the toll taken on the Alpine landscape.