factory farming

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factory farms CAFO pollution
Credit: Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program/Flickr

Wisconsin judge affirms regulators can force factory farms to get preemptive pollution permits

A Wisconsin judge has affirmed that regulators can force factory farms to obtain permits before they discharge pollutants into state waters.
EPA sued over factory farm pollution rules

Green groups sue EPA over factory farm pollution rules

A group of 13 environmental organizations has sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency seeking to force the agency to bolster regulations for industrialized livestock farms, which can pollute U.S. rivers and lakes with raw sewage and other contaminants.
Ecuador pig & poultry farm pollution

Ecuador pig & poultry farm pollution sparks protest amid IDB, IFC loans

A new report reveals how, in 2021, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank) awarded multimillion-dollar loans to Pronaca, one of the largest companies in Ecuador, for it to expand its pig and poultry farms in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.

climate farm bill robert b semple

Robert B. Semple Jr.: America has a chance to make farming more climate friendly

Legislators took a major step in making sure that American agriculture policy has a climate lens going forward. But the next Farm Bill could derail it.
factory farm chickens dead and in cages

Jane Goodall calls for end to factory farming amid ‘extreme’ animal cruelty

The 89-year-old conservationist warned of agro-industry and factory farming’s impact on human health, climate and biodiversity.
Black farmers take on Tyson Foods
Krystal B/Flickr

In West Tennessee, a group of Black farmers take on Tyson Foods

The Southern Environmental Law Center is suing the U.S. Department of Agriculture over farm subsidies provided to Tyson chicken farms.
The hidden costs of cheap meat

The hidden costs of cheap meat

The animal rights activist Leah Garcés discusses how modern meat production harms animals, people and the environment.