farm emissions

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elon musk false climate claim

Elon Musk tweets false climate claim

The world's richest man has made public statements that deny basic science about the role of agriculture in heating the planet, say experts.
meat consumption ethical welfare climate

To cut meat consumption, focus on animal welfare or climate?

Researchers found that consumers were more likely to support a German meat tax focused on welfare than one promising to tackle farm emissions.
idaho farmers biden climate farming

Idaho farmers threatened by Biden’s global warming agenda

Farming is one of the noblest and most necessary professions in the world we live in today. Farmers do not get time off or sick days and rarely take vacations. But now, a new global movement for climate change has caused many farmers to take to the streets in protest.

farm emissions climate

Emissions from agriculture threaten health and climate

The health impact of air pollution from ammonia and nitrogen oxides, which react to form particulate matter and ozone, substantially outweighed climate impact from nitrous oxide in all regions and years.

North Carolina: Smithfield project that converts hog waste to energy worries nearby residents

North Carolina: Smithfield project that converts hog waste to energy worries nearby residents

The N.C. Division of Air Quality granted Smithfield Foods and Dominion Energy one of the permits they need to move forward in completing a controversial project to create natural gas by using hog waste in Sampson and Duplin County.

Using farmland to address climate change

Using farmland to address climate change

Instead of targeting smokestacks to control climate change, some agriculture groups believe they can solve the problem of carbon emissions through farming.