fema flood maps

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A national forest sign on a dirt road in the woods
A field full of solar panels in the midst of a farm with trees and buildings in the background on a partly cloudy day.
Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro speaks with the state flag and American flag behind him.
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Millions of homeowners who need flood insurance don't know it — thanks to FEMA

Millions of homeowners who need flood insurance don't know it — thanks to FEMA

It is FEMA's job to warn homeowners about major flood risks, but its approach is notoriously limited.

Building bigger walls in San Francisco Bay to hold back rising waters

Building bigger walls in San Francisco Bay to hold back rising waters

Spurred by a recent change in federal flood zone maps and a desire to prepare for rising seas, Foster City is in the process of raising its levees.
FEMA's panel of flood experts unable to meet as losses mount

FEMA's panel of flood experts unable to meet as losses mount

A key report on needed improvements to flood maps has been stalled since September.