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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.

Does 'sustainability' help the environment or just agriculture's public image?

Big food companies like Walmart want farmers to reduce greenhouse emissions from nitrogen fertilizer. But the best-known program to accomplish this may not be having much effect.

Brent Deppe is taking me on a tour of the farm supply business, called Key Cooperative, that he helps to manage in Grinnell, Iowa. We step though the back door of one warehouse, and our view of the sky is blocked by a gigantic round storage tank, painted white.

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40 countries are making polluters pay for carbon pollution. Guess who's not.

Most people who have given climate change policy any thought agree that it is important to put a price on greenhouse gas emissions. They are a form of harmful waste; those producing the waste should pay for the harms.

40 countries are making polluters pay for carbon pollution. Guess who's not.

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EPA just scrubbed even more mentions of climate from its website.

The agency has said it is updating the site to better reflect the Trump administration's priorities.

EPA Just Scrubbed Even More Mentions of Climate from Its Website

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US environmentalists move fight from Capitol Hill to the courts.

The battle against US President Donald Trump's rollback of environmental protections is increasingly being fought in the legal arena, with new lawsuits recently launched to stop actions on pesticides and Arctic drilling.

For eight years, environmental advocates in Washington expended their daily efforts lobbying the Obama administration to strengthen environmental protections in the United States. But these days, they're more likely to be found in a courthouse than in the White House.

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Native Americans fight Texas pipeline using 'same model as Standing Rock.'

The Two Rivers camp, protesting the Trans-Pecos pipeline, is the latest sign that the Standing Rock movement is inspiring indigenous-led activism across the US.

The Two Rivers camp, protesting the Trans-Pecos pipeline, is the latest sign that the Standing Rock movement is inspiring indigenous-led activism across the US

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Food packaging is not the enemy of the environment that it is assumed to be.

Far from being the blight that green critics claim it is, food wrappings can in fact be an environmental boon.

Vacuum packs mean meat can stay on shelves for between five and eight days

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