fracking effects
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Pennsylvania’s fracking boom is hurting its oldest residents
“Up until 10 years ago, I was a pretty healthy bitch. And, unfortunately, I’m dying.”
Photo by Brad Weaver on Unsplash
Fracking for oil and gas is devouring American groundwater
A Times analysis shows that increasingly complex oil and gas wells now require astonishing volumes of water to fracture the bedrock and release fossil fuels, threatening America’s fragile aquifers.
Photo by Brad Weaver on Unsplash
Pennsylvania residents call for action after study links fracking to asthma and lymphoma
A “bombshell” set of studies that linked fracking exposure to lymphoma, asthma and low birth weight is making waves in Pennsylvania and prompting calls by some for a ban on fracking in the state.
As evidence mounts, new concerns about fracking and health
Two decades after the advent of fracking, a growing number of studies are pointing to a link between gas wells and public health, particularly among children and the elderly. Researchers are now calling for new regulations restricting where wells can be located.
To frack or not to frack
Fracking continues to be a divisive issue, and even good science can't always help in painting a clear picture of its overall impact on the environment.
Fracking study finds low birth weights near natural gas drilling sites
Researchers examined over 1 million infants’ birth records in Pennsylvania and found links between health and fracking proximity. Pinpointing which aspect is harder.
The first major evidence that fracking harms human health