Photo by gary tresize on Unsplash
Climate change is driving many amphibians toward extinction
A new “gut punch” of a study in the journal Nature shows that more than 40 percent of frogs, salamanders and other amphibian species are at risk of vanishing.
Photo by Samuel Giacomelli on Unsplash
Parasite that lingers with 'frog Ebola' killing more frogs than thought
A seldom-studied parasite fatal to frogs is more widespread than previously thought and growing deadlier as the world warms, a new University of Central Florida study found.
Image by Esteban Rodriguez from Pixabay
Frogs in Puerto Rico croak at a higher pitch due to global heating
The frogs appear to be decreasing in size at warmer temperatures, which causes their croaks to become high pitched. If the trends continue, the heat could become too much for the sensitive amphibians to survive successfully, researchers have said.
Bernard DUPONT/Flickr
Why these frogs make ‘the grossest blunder in sexual preference’
Interspecies mating has long been thought of as a mistake. But in the desert, it may sometimes be the best way to breed.
Climate change a pressing concern for endangered frogs of the Fraser Valley
Climate change with its sizzling heat and damaging drought conditions is doing a real number on the critically endangered frogs of the Fraser Valley.
Photo by Leon Pauleikhoff on Unsplash
The frog and the gecko: Why tropical species are at greater climate risk
While species are and will be affected everywhere by climate change, those already living in a warm climate will reach their tolerance threshold faster.