general motors

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
electric vehicles battery backup climate
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

G.M. will add backup power function to its electric vehicles

As extreme weather events lead to more power outages, the carmaker said it would equip all its electric vehicles to act as sources of emergency power.
lithium mining carmakers emissions
Big Stock Photo

Lithium scarcity pushes carmakers into the mining business

Ford, General Motors and others are striking deals with mining companies to avoid raw material shortages that could thwart their electric vehicle ambitions.
GM’s Electric Vehicles Will Use Tesla’s Charging Network

GM’s electric vehicles will use Tesla’s charging network

The electric car company, which operates the country’s most extensive charging network, struck a similar deal with Ford Motor recently.
GM stellantis fuel economy fines
Big Stock Photo

G.M. and Stellantis paid $364 million in fuel economy fines

General Motors and Stellantis paid a combined $363.8 million in penalties for failing to meet federal fuel-economy standards for cars and trucks they produced in previous years, according to federal government documents posted last week.

Electric vehicle tax credit rules
Marco Verch/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowedlink to the original photo and the license

Electric vehicle tax credit rules create ‘chaos for consumers’

Buying an electric car has become much more complicated because of restrictions on which models qualify for a federal tax credit of up to $7,500.
electric vehicles climate solutions
Photo by Adrian N on Unsplash

U.S. car brands will benefit most from electric vehicle tax breaks

Rules that take effect on Tuesday will limit the $7,500 credits to electric cars made domestically with minerals from the U.S. or trade allies.
U.S. electric vehicle adoption

Automakers face test in reaching U.S. target for electric vehicles

New federal rules are expected to speed the transition to E.V.s, a shift that car companies have embraced but will be challenged to carry out.