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pennsylvania fracking
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives
Georgia companies face hurdles in cutting emissions due to utility policies

Georgia companies face hurdles in cutting emissions due to utility policies

Businesses in Georgia are striving to meet clean energy targets, but utilities are not keeping pace, hindering progress.

Emily Jones reports for Grist.

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School bus factory workers in Georgia demonstrate potential for EV-driven union gains

School bus factory workers in Georgia demonstrate potential for EV-driven union gains

Workers at the Blue Bird school bus factory in Georgia have shown that unionizing for better conditions is possible, even in the traditionally anti-union South, amid a push for electric vehicle production.

Gautama Mehta reports for Grist.

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US banks facilitate clean energy transition through municipal bond market

US banks facilitate clean energy transition through municipal bond market

The use of municipal bonds to finance clean energy initiatives is gaining traction, enabling significant savings for towns and communities in their pursuit of renewable energy goals.

Meg Duff reports for Capital & Main.

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Georgia powers up: the complex journey and future of nuclear energy at Plant Vogtle

Georgia powers up: the complex journey and future of nuclear energy at Plant Vogtle

After years of delays and skyrocketing costs, the new reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia have finally begun operations.

Zach Bright reports for E&E News.

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Georgia's nuclear power saga unfolds with Vogtle plant

Georgia's nuclear power saga unfolds with Vogtle plant

In a test of nuclear energy's future in the U.S., Georgia's Vogtle plant's final stages hint at both progress and setbacks.

Gautama Mehta reports for Grist.

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Understanding the crucial role of Georgia's public service commission in energy regulation

Understanding the crucial role of Georgia's public service commission in energy regulation

Georgia's youth are stepping up to influence the Public Service Commission's stance on clean energy.

Emily Jones reports for Grist.

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Georgia's solar energy expansion faces hurdles from major utility

Georgia's solar energy expansion faces hurdles from major utility

Georgia's push for community solar energy is met with resistance from Georgia Power, highlighting the complexities of expanding renewable energy in the state.

Jill Nolin reports for Georgia Recorder.

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