global population
Alex Trembath, Vijaya Ramachandran: The Malthusians are back
Climate activists who worry that the world has too many people are joining an ugly tradition.
Opinion: Let's fully fund international family planning on World Population Day
Today is World Population Day — a day first observed in 1989, when there were slightly more than 5 billion people on Earth.
Gwynne Dyer: A declining global population means a less crowded and healthier planet
Give it another century of gentle decline, and we could hope for a global population of four or five billion by 2200, which would make the task of dealing with the long-term impacts of climate change a lot easier.
How climate change is contributing to skyrocketing rates of infectious disease
A catastrophic loss in biodiversity, reckless destruction of wildland and warming temperatures have allowed disease to explode. Ignoring the connection between climate change and pandemics would be “dangerous delusion,” one scientist said.
Mark Beeson: As Earth's population heads to 10 billion, does anything Australians do on climate change matter?
To be clear, I'm not advocating compulsory population control, here or anywhere. But we do need to consider a future with billions more people, many of them aspiring to live as Australians do now.
VIDEO: Putting the brakes on population growth
The number of people on the planet growing. According to projections, it could reach 11 billion by 2100. With awareness-raising campaigns and family planning, we could help put the brakes on population growth.
Jane O’Sullivan: World Population Prospects 2019 – good news or bad?
The new United Nations projections for global population misses the opportunity to present the end of population growth as a desirable goal.