How landscaping plays a key role in the fight against climate change
Can golf cure its water addiction?
An Irish abbey where the grass is always warmer
In an effort to live sustainably, the sisters at St. Mary's Abbey not only use solar panels to warm their buildings but also a little-known but mighty form of elephant grass called miscanthus.
Climate change wiped out thousands of the West’s most iconic cactus
Heat, drought and an invasive grass are driving wildfires killing the giant saguaros in Arizona, raising concerns about how the cactus will recover without human intervention.
Agnes Walton and Kirby Ferguson: How to fall out of love with your lawn
Some Californians are ripping out their lawns as the state’s drought continues to worsen
One move some cities are making to speed up water-saving efforts in California is to target the areas that produce the most waste. On the residential front, which makes up about 10% of water use in the state, this means lawns.
Las Vegas declares turf war on lawns as drought worsens
Las Vegas is ripping up millions of square feet of grass - including greenery along the iconic strip - as the city struggles with a decades-long drought made worse by climate change.