habitat degradation

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microplastics damage seagrass
Credit: Guido and Carrara family/Flickr

Seagrasses aren’t the solution to ocean plastic pollution

Recent findings debunk the optimistic view that Mediterranean seagrasses can effectively combat marine plastic pollution, revealing more harm than help.

Sean Mowbray reports for Hakai Magazine.

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Palm oil pollution
Credit: Photo by Ryan Woo/CIFOR-ICRAF/Flickr

Palm oil plantations increase flood risks and water contamination in Papua

The expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesian Papua has led to increased flooding and water contamination, affecting Indigenous communities downstream.

Hans Nicholas Jong reports for Mongabay.

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genetic response climate adaptations
Credit: Wendy Miller/Flickr

New studies reveal genetic adaptations in California birds

Two studies reveal how genetic changes in bird populations in California respond to environmental threats, highlighting the potential for adaptation and the risks of genetic dilution.

Rebecca Heisman reports for The Revelator.

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Hawaii wildfire impacts coral reefs
Credit: State Farm/Flickr

Hawaii faces an unprecedented challenge as wildfire impacts coral reefs

In the wake of the Lahaina wildfire, scientists and locals grapple with the potential toxic runoff into Maui's coral ecosystems. Audrey McAvoy reports for the Associated Press.

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Louisiana's coastal wetlands drowning
Credit: Water Alternatives Photos/Flickr

Louisiana's coastal wetlands face critical threat from rising sea levels

A recent study highlights the perilous state of Louisiana's coastal wetlands, with a majority facing "drowning" due to unprecedented sea level rise, posing significant risks to the region's natural defenses and ecosystem.

Brady Dennis and Chris Mooney report for The Washington Post.

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Migratory species face global decline
Credit: Victoria Pickering/Flickr

Migratory species face a global decline, UN warns

Nearly half of the world's migratory animals are declining, with many at risk of extinction, highlighting the urgent need for global conservation efforts.

Christina Larson reports for The Associated Press.

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Marine microplastics nanoplastics pollution
Credit: Uladzimir Zuyeu/BigStock Photo ID: 431375807

Microplastics are the not-so-secret ingredient in marine snow

Particles of tiny, degraded plastics coated with biofilms sink to the seafloor, carrying carbon with them.